About Hockey for Grace

The Grace Memorial Hockey Tournament & Charity Social, or as it is now known, Hockey For Grace, is a charity event run by Amy and Chris Manning in honor of their daughter Grace. Grace was born on February 16th eight weeks early, tiny but mighty. Our hearts shattered shortly after her arrival when we learned her time on earth would be short. Grace was only here for 8 short days but while she was her home was Emily’s House, a children’s hospice in Toronto. The only of its kind in the GTA and 1 of 6 in Canada. They took care of us as well as our families. Feeding us, caring for us and letting us live like a normal family while having the medical supervision we needed. Emily’s House allowed us to live with Grace instead of just watching her die, filling her short life with many memories, adventures, and all the love in the world.
Hockey for Grace is a way for us to celebrate and keep Grace’s spirit alive. It was the brainchild of Grace's dad Chris, who loves hockey and who had the opportunity to watch a Montreal Canadiens game with Grace while at Emily’s House, jersey and all! It allows us a way to give back to an organization that we will forever be indebted to, as well as starting a conversation about Pregnancy & Infant loss. This event has given Grace a legacy beyond just our grief; a way that she can continue to touch the world the way she touched so many in her short time here.
The Hockey Tournament: We started with a one day, 3 division tournament which has now grown to a two day, fun, 3-on-3 tournament that has a level for everyone held at Newmarket’s National Training Rinks. Choose from competitive, recreational, or our co-ed division. Guaranteed 3 games, a players swag bag and a ton of fun each division will have a trophy, and no this isn’t everyone gets one it’s just the winners so step up your game!
The Charity Social: The party happens on the Saturday of the tournament weekend and happens at The Newmarket Optimist Club. Come out for a night of fun and while you’re at it help an incredible organization and celebrate Grace. There’s door prizes, live music, games, the best raffle table you've probably ever seen and the drinks will be flowing. You can buy your ticket in advance or at the door.
Where’s The Money Go? All net proceeds from the event are donated to Emily’s House, allowing them to continue to keep their doors open and offer the incredible support, care, and love that their doctors, nurses, staff, and volunteers provide. Want to learn more about Emily’s House read all about this incredible place here.