Yesterday we were excited to spend the day at Emily’s House and present this year’s cheque from Hockey for Grace. We are so thankful to each and every person who made this donation possible because it certainly is a full community effort. We set a lofty goal of raising $25,000 this year and are blown away that not only were we able to achieve it but actually surpass it by more than $1,000! The money that was raised will ensure that the families who access Emily’s House in the year ahead not only receive the best medical care but that they also have access to the compassion and support needed to make the days they have with their child filled with love and beautiful memories.
Often when you have a child you are told it takes a village. But what if that child is not here? Well, ask any loss parent and they will tell you, it definitely takes a village to live after that. It takes that village to support, to grieve, to celebrate, to remember and to honor. Well I think we have a city! We are simply blown away with the ways that our family, our friends, our community and complete strangers continue to come together to provide all we need. This years event had 20 teams, 8 referees, 9 time keepers, 10 sponsors, over 50 volunteers, over 75 prizes and over 300 Charity Social attendees. WOW!!
Our biggest fear after loosing Grace was that she would be forgotten. We make sure everyday that is not the case and after reflecting on this years event we are reminded that there are a lot of people ensuring she will never be forgotten. An event like this takes so much to put together, we are overwhelmed with gratitude and thanks to each and every person who has made this year and past years possible.
When you know that you will not have a lifetime with your child the thought of all the memories you will not have can be overwhelming. Grace’s Adventure Fund supports providing memory making and legacy activities for Emily’s House families. We were honoured at this years cheque presentation to have a beautiful Grace’s Adventure Fund mural mounted beside Grace’s room. It includes photos of activities to give Emily’s House families ideas of the kinds of things they might want to do in celebration of their child. This was something that is extremely special to Chris and I as we feel that if Nurse Stephanie hadn’t sparked our imagination of all the things we’d like to do with Grace we might not have the special moments we have and treasure so very much. We want to give that gift to other families as well and that is why this is such an important way for us to contribute to Emily’s House.
We would like to say a heartfelt thank you. Thank you for supporting us, for reaching into your pockets and spending your hard earned dollars to support Emily’s House and ensure families to come will receive the precious gift of time and memories. Most of all thank you for showing us this world will not forget Grace. Because of all of you, Grace’s legacy will be that of shared adventures and relishing every moment we have with our loved ones. We couldn’t be more in your debt. Thank you for supporting Hockey for Grace. We wouldn’t be here without you.
The Manning Family